Public information about designated major hazard facilities.
Following designation of a major hazard facility, we must provide prescribed information to the public on our website in accordance with regulation 68 of the Health and Safety at Work (Major Hazard Facilities) Regulations 2016 (the regulations).
We are not required to disclose information that may lead to a threat to the security of a major hazard facility, therefore there may be some major hazard facilities which are not listed here.
To assist us in providing this information to the public, operators should download and complete the MHF public information form available below.
Use this form to advise us of the information and any subsequent amendments, which should be advised to the public as soon as practicable. Send a completed copy of the form by email to the Major Hazard Facilities team:
To ensure we comply with regulation 68, we may request an operator to provide information in accordance with regulation 69. We rely on operators to provide correct information about their facility and update it as necessary.
The public information list shows designated major hazard facilities and the public information forms we have received.
Last updated