Introducing the game that preserves workplace health & safety.

Made and tested in partnership with people who have worked in your industry, Pickled is an online game that encourages better safety habits. It’s fun, interactive and builds an understanding of risk that can be applied right away.
Play Pickled now(external link)

Do nothing. Avoid. Take action. Can you choose the better options? Think fast.
Put your detective hat on. Find the clues to answer the question.
Can you balance work and taking breaks? Keep healthy and get the job done.
Do you know who to you call if something goes wrong? Choose the right person for the problem.

How to use Pickled at work
Good news, it works with what you’re already doing!
You can:
- Add it to your induction for new starters, contractors or site visitors.
- Add it to health and safety training sessions.
- Get your team to play a few games at your next health and safety briefing.
- Offer it to staff with low-literacy levels or English as a Second Language as an easier way to learn about health and safety.
Go to link) today and try it for yourself.
Okay, let's go!(external link)
Download Posters
Get your workplace familiar with the Pickled gang!
Group Poster - Download [PDF, 15 MB]
Cari Poster - Download [PDF, 1.2 MB]
Broc Poster - Download [PDF, 1.2 MB]
Oni Poster - Download [PDF, 1.1 MB]
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