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Stronger worker engagement and participation leads to healthier and safer workplaces. Here we help you to understand what the Health and Safety at Work Act means for businesses.
Worker representation can benefit a business and workers in many different ways.
There are certain health and safety requirements for workplaces that all persons conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU) must meet.
When there are multiple businesses at the same location, each business must do what they can, within their influence and control, to keep workers safe.
All businesses and undertakings must involve their workers in workplace health and safety.
The Puataunofo “Come Home Safely” educational programme is designed to engage and educate Pacific people working in higher risk industries.
SafePlus is a voluntary health and safety performance improvement toolkit for businesses. It describes what good health and safety looks like, beyond minimum legal compliance.
Business leaders have an obligation as officers to exercise due diligence to ensure the business meets its health and safety obligations.
The best health and safety outcomes are achieved when a PCBU and its workers work together.
This guidance describes the requirements for persons conducting a business or undertaking (PCBUs) when employing or engaging limited-attendance child-care centre workers.
A business may want to remove an HSR if they believe that the HSR has not performed satisfactorily or exercised their functions or powers correctly.
All jobs are important for young people in developing a work ethic and the skills to identify and manage work-related risks.
The HASANZ Register is a one stop shop for businesses to find quality health and safety advice.
Other persons at work are people who are present at a workplace but are not workers. This includes visitors.