We are consulting on three proposed safe work instruments (SWIs) to support the Health and Safety at Work (Hazardous Substances) Regulations 2017.

The three proposed SWIs are:

Draft - Health and Safety at Work (Hazardous Substances—Above Ground Stationary Tanks Connected to a Generator Set) Safe Work Instrument Amendments 2019 (PDF 243 KB)
Draft - Health and Safety at Work (Hazardous Substances—Specification of Design Standards for Low-Pressure Fire Extinguishers) Safe Work Instrument 2019 (PDF 229 KB)
Draft - Health and Safety at Work (Hazardous Substances—Specification of Design Standards for Refillable Cylinders) Safe Work Instrument Amendments 2019 (PDF 248 KB)

Purpose of the proposed Safe Work Instruments

The proposed SWIs are required to specify:

  • additional design standards for cylinders;
  • a new standard for low-pressure fire extinguishers; and
  • a standard for the design and construction of above ground stationary tanks.

Your submissions will help us determine whether to specify these standards.

To learn more, see the public consultation document:

How to have your say

When submitting your feedback, please use the response form for that particular SWI:

Response form: Health and Safety at Work (Hazardous Substances – Above Ground Stationary Tanks Connected to a Generator Set) Safe Work Instrument Amendments 2019 (PDF 51 KB)
Response form: Health and Safety at Work (Hazardous Substances – Specification of Design Standards for Low-pressure Fire Extinguishers) Safe Work Instrument 2019 (PDF 51 KB)
Response form: Health and Safety at Work (Hazardous Substances – Specification of Design Standards for Refillable Cylinders) Safe Work Instrument Amendments 2019 (PDF 51 KB)

If you require any further information you can email us at regulatory.frameworks@worksafe.govt.nz

Your submission may be made public

Once you make your submission, anyone can ask for it under the Official Information Act 1982 (the OIA). If you have any questions about how the information in your submission is dealt with, please contact us.

Further information is available at legislation.govt.nz(external link)