WorkSafe has condemned the actions of a Hutt Valley man after he falsified a safety stamp on a CO2 cylinder and on sold it online.

Jarrod Ward collected a second hand CO2 cylinder from a previous place of employment and then sold it on TradeMe in 2019. In order to make the product look safe for use, he stamped the cylinder with a test stamp from a testing station that WorkSafe found had been closed since 2008.

The investigation also found the cylinder had not undergone proper testing as required under regulations by an accredited test station.

Mr Ward appeared at the Hutt Valley District Court this week, facing a charge under the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015. Despite being discharged without conviction WorkSafe says Ward’s actions were highly dangerous.

WorkSafe’s Acting National Manager, Interventions and Support, Catalijne Pille, recommended that people buying fire extinguishers, looked to purchase them new, or ensure the validity of any safety stamps on the fire extinguisher itself.

"It is vital these cylinders are tested and marked with a stamp from a reputable testing station, so purchasers can be assured they are safe for use.

"Mr Ward’s actions showed a total lack of regard for regulations, which are put in place to keep people safe.

"These cylinders are generally made of metal which can corrode or become damaged over time. When it comes time to fill them, these imperfections can cause the cylinder to shatter or burst, creating a very real risk of serious injury or death.

"In this case it is extremely lucky that potential issues with the cylinder were picked up on before it was refilled."


  • Jarrod Ward appeared in the Hutt Valley District Court on Wednesday 10 February.

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