This guide gives advice on the responsibilities of people who deliver LPG to workplaces and non-workplaces.

Key facts

Before you deliver LPG to a site, you need to make sure the site meets the compliance requirements. This means that if you are delivering to a site holding more than 100 kg of LPG, you will need to check if the site has a valid certificate or plaque, or carry out a compliance check.

You also need to take reasonable steps to ensure that the LPG cylinders you are delivering are safe for use, labelled correctly and are stored in a secure site.

'You' - the PCBU

A PCBU is a person conducting a business or undertaking.

A PCBU can be a person (eg if they are a sole-trader or self employed) however it usually refers to a business entity such as a company or an undertaking such as a not-for-profit organisation.

This guide is for PCBUs who deliver LPG. It is designed to help you meet your obligations under both the Health and Safety at Work (Hazardous Substances) Regulations 2017(external link) (‘The Regulations’) and the Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Act 1996(external link) (‘HSNO’).

The HSNO requirements for LPG are included in the Hazardous Substances (Hazardous Property Controls) Notice 2017 (‘HPC Notice’)(external link).

In this guide, ‘you’ means the PCBU.

More information on PCBUs and other duty holders in the workplace and their duties is available in our getting started section

Before you deliver LPG

If the site you are delivering to will have more than 100 kg of LPG after delivery, you need to make sure that the site is compliant. Compliance requirements vary depending on the amount of LPG your customer holds at their premises, and if the site is a commercial premises (workplace) or a private dwelling (non-workplace).

Workplaces must follow the compliance requirements set out in the Regulations, while non-workplaces must comply with HSNO.

Use the chart below to find out if the site you are delivering LPG to is compliant.

Chart: am I delivering to a workplace or non-workplace? (PDF 47 KB)

Are you supplying to a workplace or non-workplace?

First, you need to consider if the customer you’re supplying to is a workplace, or not. This will help you decide what compliance checks you need to complete.

All drivers delivering LPG must have a ‘D’ (dangerous goods) endorsement on their driver’s licence, regardless of who they are delivering to.

If you are supplying LPG to a workplace, there are additional safety requirements you should meet.

  • You should give your customer a safety data sheet (SDS) that includes information on the hazards, safe handling and storage requirements, and what actions to take in an emergency.
  • You also need to make sure each workplace is aware of the risks of LPG.

If you are supplying LPG to a non-workplace, the cylinders must be located outside

Delivering LPG to workplaces

Quantity of LPG held Compliance requirements
more than 100 kg but less than 300 kg

Where the LPG is stored in cylinders and those cylinders are located outside:

  • If it is the first delivery to the site, you must verify that the site has a current compliance certificate.
  • Within 60 days of the first delivery you may fix a compliance plaque confirming compliance with the minimum standards set out in the regulations.
  • For subsequent deliveries, you must verify that the site has a current compliance certificate or a valid compliance plaque and continues to meet the minimum standards
300 kg or more

Your customer will need to contact a compliance certifier to carry out an inspection.
If the site is compliant, the certifier will issue
a location compliance certificate.

Table 1: Compliance requirements for workplaces holding over 100kg of LPG


All sites must meet the minimum standards for compliance. You must not deliver LPG to a site that is non-compliant.

Delivering LPG to non-workplaces

Quantity of LPG held Compliance requirements
more than 100 kg but less than 300 kg

The site must have a valid compliance plaque
fixed in a prominent and permanent location.
Compliance plaques are issued by the LPG

If the site doesn’t have a compliance plaque, you can complete
a compliance check and install a compliance

Notify EPA of the details of the compliance
plaque, including the plaque number, the
amount of LPG held, the issue and expiry
date and any other relevant information.

more than 300 kg

The site must have a valid HSNO certificate.

If the site doesn’t have a HSNO certificate, the
customer will need to contact a compliance
certifier who can issue one. The compliance
certifier must provide EPA with details of all
HSNO certificates they issue.

Table 2: Compliance requirements for non-workplaces holding over 100Kg of LPG. 

Calculating the total quantity of LPG held

If the site you are delivering to has two or more packs of cylinders stored in separate locations on the same property, they are considered as two separate installations, and their weight is not combined. 

What if the customer installs the cylinders themselves?

If the customer wants to install the cylinders themselves you must make sure:

  • the site has a valid and up-to-date compliance plaque or certificate
  • your customers know how to install the cylinders safely. This may mean providing them with any training, if necessary.

Things to note when delivering to either workplaces or non-workplaces

What if delivery changes to in-situ filling?

If delivery changes from an exchange cylinder delivery to in-situ cylinder filling, the customer must get a different compliance certificate, plaque or HSNO certificate.

Important do's and don'ts


  • Make sure anyone delivering LPG is trained and uses the necessary personal protective equipment (PPE) when required.

  • Securely stow gas cylinders to prevent them from moving or falling during transport. Keep cylinders upright.

  • Have emergency procedures and equipment in place to deal with a fire or a leak, including fire extinguishers and an emergency response plan.
  • Use suitable cradles or clamps when lifting cylinders with a hoist or crane. Don’t use valves and caps for lifting cylinders unless they have been designed for this purpose.

  • Always use an approved filler or LPG Association (LPGA) filler when refilling cylinders. Approved fillers have received training and certification through the LPGA filler training scheme.


  • Don’t use LPG cylinders for any other purpose other than for transport, storage and their intended purpose to supply LPG to a property.

  • Do not drop, roll or drag LPG cylinders.

Further information

More information about managing hazardous substances in the workplace is available on our hazardous substances pages and in the Hazardous Substances Toolbox(external link)

For information on the compliance requirements of non-workplaces storing more than 100 kg of LPG, refer to the Hazardous Substances (Hazardous Property Controls) Notice 2017(external link) on the EPA's website.

You can find checklists to help you comply with the rules for safely installing LPG and for site security in the Approved Code of Practice on LPG Compliance 100 kg to 300 kg(external link)

You can find a list of authorised compliance certifiers in our Register of Compliance Certifiers(external link)